What To Do When You Need A Very Tall Pole

competition grade studio pole dancing poles X PoleWhen you need a very tall pole (especially one over 11’10”) then Build A Pole is your best choice.  The taller the pole, the more flexible it gets and therefor it needs more reinforcement for stability.

The average X Pole dance pole kits have a lot of “flex” when the extensions are added to extend over 11’10”. Build-A-Pole reduces the Flex in very tall poles, however, there are a couple trade off’s…….

The X Pert X Poles and X Pole Sport Models can go up to 14ft high, however, they will have a tremendous amount of flex in the pole. Switching to Build-A-Poles provides less flex in the pole and a bit better stability.  The down slope is that Build A Poles will always be for the very tall ceiling height due to the longer “main pole” lengths.  The X Pert X Pole or Sport models can be broken down to accommodate much lower ceiling heights if needed in the future due to their shorter “main pole” lengths but you would need to put up with the additional flex in the pole.  When the pole is very flexible, poles that remain installed and used for long periods of time need to be checked regularly to be sure all parts stay tightened.

Build-a-Poles are competition strength X-Pert poles perfect for studio use with very tall ceilings.  The bottom X-Pert A pole in the Build-A-Pole is over 8ft long. With just one extension and one X-Joint, you could have a 2 piece pole! The pole is dual lined which is ideal for higher ceiling heights and busy studio settings.

Build-A-Poles are offered in 40mm and 45mm Chrome.  The base has the same design and spinning option as the X-Pert pole.  You will also save money by purchasing only the items you need rather than a standard kit.

Simply provide us with your exact ceiling height so X-Pole can custom fit your studio with Build-a-Poles. Studios that are currently using Build-a-Poles are absolutely loving these industrial strength, heavy duty 2 piece X-Pert poles!

MAX height for this model of pole is 14′ 3″. 

We do not sell poles taller than 14′ 3″ at this time.  If your ceiling is taller than 14’3″, please consider a dance pole with a platform or stage base to place in the room.  These do not attach to the ceiling and are stabilized by the stage base only.

Email your ceiling height today for a quote.

We are happy to help!


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